
EMI nin Üye Konsey Toplantısının Programı, Brüksel 25 Kasım 2016

By 25/11/2016Nisan 25th, 2020No Comments


Draft Programme

Venue:European Parliament (Altiero Spinelli building)Brussels

Friday 25 November2016

08.40: Meet at EP main entrance (see map attached)

09:00-12:00Board Meeting(room A5G305)

11.40: Meet at EP main entrance (see map attached)

12.00-13.00Political Committees (for the contact pointsoftheMember Organisa-tionswhichbelong toeach PC)

Political Committee More Democracy (room A3H-1)

Political Committee Jobs and Growth (room A5G315)

Political Committee Europe in the World (room A5G305)

12.30: Meet at EP main entrance (see map attached)

13.00-14.00Lunch (at the EP canteen)

14:00-15:45Members‘ Council Plenary (room A5G-3)

1. Procedural (15 minutes)

– Adoption of the agenda

– Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting

2. Presentation of 2017 Work Plan (30 minutes)

Presentation of 2017 Budget

3. Political discussion on Policy Positions (60minutes)

More Democracy, Citizens‘ Rights and Freedom

– Approval of e-Democracy Policy Position

– Discussionon Rule of Law draft policy position

Jobs, Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth

– Discussion on Skills Agenda draft policy position

Europe in the World

– Approval of Enlargement Policy Position

– Discussion on Security updated draft policy position

15:45-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-18:00 Members’ Council Plenary (room A5G-3)

4. European Movement International Projects (75minutes)

– Woman of Europe Award

– On Our Watch

– European Angst Conference

– Pact for Youth

-The Hague 2018

– Rome 2017

5. Members’reports and discussion on main challenges

(on the basis of previously submitted PowerPoint slides) (45 minutes)

6. Date and venue of the next meeting

7. AOB (5 minutes)

18.00-20.00 Reception for members and partners (held in the EP Members’ Salon and hosted by the EM International Office)