
Challenges to the Rule Of Law in Europe

By 12/07/2017Nisan 25th, 2020No Comments
When: Wednesday 12 July 2017, 18.00 – 19.45 (Accreditation here from 17.30)
Where: European Parliament, Brussels, Room A3G2
Register here by 5 July 2017.
We are pleased to invite you to the European Movement’s discussion addressing current challenges to the rule of law in EU Member States and exploring ways forward in Europe.

Speakers include Urmas Reinsalu, Estonian Minister of Justice, Kai Härmand, Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice of Estonia, Jo Leinen MEP, President of the European Movement International, György Schöpflin MEP, Rapporteur of the AFCO opinion on the EP legislative initiative report recommending an EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights, and Philippe Dam, Human Rights Watch’s advocacy director for Europe and Central Asia.

While there is a need for a mechanism to successfully monitor and secure the EU’s founding principles and values, this event will address the current challenges and also try to define the role of the European institutions, governments and civil society in ensuring the functioning and monitoring of the rule of law across Europe.

Please note that if you need an accreditation for the European Parliament, please register for the event by Wednesday 5 July 2017.
Register and see the full programme on our website
18.00 – 18.30: Keynote speech by Urmas Reinsalu, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Estonia, Estonian Presidency of the EU Council

18.30 – 19.15: Discussion on the current challenges to the rule of law in Europe

  • Ms Kai Härmand, Deputy Secretary-General, Ministry of Justice of Estonia
  • Jo Leinen MEP, President, European Movement International
  • György Schöpflin MEP, EPP Group
  • Philippe Dam, Advocacy Director for Europe and Central Asia, Human Rights Watch

19.15 – 19.45: Q&A with the moderator Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General, European Movement International