
Avrupa Konsey’inin Türkiye’deki STK ile birlikte düzenlediği Konferans

By 31/05/2017Nisan 25th, 2020No Comments

Derneğimizin Başkan Yardımcisi Doç. Dr. Zeynep Alemdar toplantıya katılarak derneğimizin görüşlerini açıklayacaktır.

Informal exchange of views and study visit of Turkish NGOs to the Council of Europe and its Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations

Palais de l’Europe

Concerned about civil society in Turkey and wanting to ensure that a lively dialogue can be maintained the Council of Europe has decided to invite a group of Turkish NGOs to Strasbourg to discuss issues related to the constitution and to freedom of association, expression and assembly, from Tuesday, 30 May at 09.00 hrs. to Thursday, 1 June 12.00 hrs.