OzU Migration Studies Research Network was created as a blog to share outputs of recent studies conducted by researchers affiliated with Özyeğin University as well as other local and international researchers on Turkey working on migration issues, especially those related to the recent migration crisis affecting the region with an emphasis on Syrian migration. Over two million Syrians have come to Turkey since the outbreak of the crisis in March 2011. In political, social and economic terms, Turkey is one of the most affected countries of the Syrian crisis. This blog aims to contribute the overall literature on Syrian migration in Turkey by collecting various academic studies and reports.
Source: http://labs.ozyegin.edu.tr/ozumigs/
1) Launched as a project of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute http://syrianrefugees.eu is a snapshot of the repercussions of the Syrian refugee crisis for both Syria’s neighbors and the European Union. The website holds a series of studies conducted by local researchers on behalf of the MPC at the end of 2012 and an update carried out in 2014. Senay Ozden’s report on Turkey is a must read! You can download itSyrian Refugees in Turkey.
2) The UN Refugee Agency summarizes its operations in Turkey online. The link to the webpage is http://www.unhcr.org/ .
3) Migration Policy Institute has recently published a report written by Director of the Migration Research Center at Koc University, MiReKoc, Prof. Ahmet Icduygu, which is entitled as Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Long Road Ahead. You can download here: MPI-Report-Syria.
4) Another report is published by the Hacettepe University Migration and Politics Research Centre entitled Syrians in Turkey: Social Acceptance and Integration Research, available at HUGO-REPORT-Syrians in Turkey.
5) Brookings Report written by Prof. Kemal Kirisci is entitled Syrian Refugees and Turkey’s Challenges: Going Beyond Hospitality can be downloaded Syrian Refugees and Turkeys Challenges May 14 2014.
6) Republic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management updates its official website on the subject frequently. The link is http://www.goc.gov.tr/Main/.
7) The website of Hamisch – The Syrian Cultural House in Istanbul is worth checking to be able to go beyond misrepresentations by fostering deeper understanding of Syrian society and culture. http://hamisch.org
8) Refugee Studies Centre Oxford Department of International Development published a report prepared by Hashem Ahmadzadeh, Metin Çorabatır, Leen Hashem, Jalal Al Husseini and Sarah Wahby with contributions from Farah Akel, Maha Alasil, Zeina Bali and Hoshang Waziri and supervised by Dawn Chatty, which is entitled Ensuring Quality Education for Young Refugees from Syria (2014). For the full report, please click.
9) Fikret Hassa and Metin Çorabatır has conducted a research project for İGAM (Association for Research Centre on Asylum and Migration), which is a Case Study of NGO Activities in Safeguarding the Rights of the Syrian Refugees and Increasing Their Quality of Life in Three Border Provinces of Turkey. For the full report in Turkish, English and Arabic, please click.
10) Sabr Centre ve Middle East Development Network (MDN) has published a report on Syrian-Türkish Harmonization: Study on the Syrian-Turkish Harmonization in Gaziantep, which is a statistical study that addressed Syrians and Turks living in Gaziantep. For the full report in English, please click.
11) Anti-Syrian racism in Turkey – Doğuş SİMSEK
‘A wave of xenophobia is ruining the lives of Syrian refugees in Turkey where they are seen as criminals, accused of stealing jobs and responsible for anything that goes wrong. Media incitement and state inaction fuel the flames.’
Click here for accessing the article
12) ORSAM Report No: 195, January 2015, “Effects of the Syrian refugees on Turkey”
Click here for accessing the article
13) ORSAM Report No: 196, January 2015, “The economic effects of Syrian refugees on Turkey: A synthetic modelling”
Click here for accessing the article
14)”We will stop here and go no further: Syrian university students and scholars”, October 2014, By: Keith David Watenpaugh, Adrienne L. Fricke, James R. King
Click here for accessing the article
15) Ad.dar (“home” in Arabic) (A community center for Syrian and Palestinian Syrian refuges in Istanbul), is an all-volunteer, non-political, non-religious, multi-cultural community initiative established for Syrian and Syrian- Palestinian refugees living in Istanbul.
Click here for accessing the Link
16)Mathis Wagner – The impact of Syrians Refugees on the Turkish Labour market
Click here for accesing the Link
17) Doç Dr. M. Murat Erdoğan & Dr. Can Ünver – Türk İş Dünyasının Türkiyedeki Suriyeliler konusundaki görüş, beklenti ve önerileri – This is a new report that viewing Turkish bussiness world expectations and suggestions for Syrians in Turkey. However unfortunately this report currently only available in Turkish.
Click here for accessing the Link
18) BOOK, The Welfare of Syrian Refugees : Evidence from Jordan and Lebanon – Verme, Paolo; Gigliarano, Chiara; Wieser, Christina; Hedlund, Kerren; Petzoldt, Marc; Santacroce, Marco. 2016
Click here for accessing the Link
19) Turkey’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis and the road ahead (English) – World Bank Group- Social, Urban, Rural & Resilience, December 2015
Click here for accessing the Link
20) Presenting the MSF report “Obstacle Course to Europe: a policy-made humanitarian crisis at EU borders