Société Civile et Etat

By Participatory Democracy and Civil Society Dialogue

Plus de 25 pays étaient représentés par des associations de la société civile  dans ce Troisième Congrès du Dialogue Sud-Nord Méditerranée organisé à Tunis entre le 7 et 9 Juin 2012 et portant  sur le partenariat qui pourrait exister entre « la Société civile et l’Autorité ».

Ce dialogue entre les représentants des sociétés civiles des deux rives de la Méditerranée et les institutions nationales et régionales développant des programmes dans la région avait été lance pour la première fois en 2004 par le Mouvement Européen International (MEI), une organisation internationale créé au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale. Le but de ce premier congrès était de promouvoir des projets concrets dans les domaines de l’éducation, la formation professionnelle, les migrations, les investissements, l’emploi et d’assurer la participation active de la société civile aux  processus politiques et décisionnels. La Déclaration d’Alger contenant un plan d’action pour une vision commune du futur  fut ainsi signée en Février 2006.

Le congrès qui a pris place à l’hôtel Ramada Plaza à Gammarth au bord d’une plage dorée a duré deux jours et demi. La coopération dans les domaines de la mobilité des personnes, de l’éducation et de la formation, celle du domaine culturel, des domaines économiques et sociaux furent discutées dans  six ateliers parallèles. Les questions posées concernaient la forme de partenariat qui  pouvait être mis en place,  comment développer le rôle de la société civile et comment les réseaux méditerranéens des organisations de la société civile pouvaient être améliorées.

Les propositions et recommandations qui ont résulté de ces ateliers peuvent être résumées comme suit :

  1. les sans voix doivent être entendues, représentées dans les associations représentant la société civile,
  2. des liens étroits tels que des jumelages devraient être formés entre Ngo nationaux, régionaux et internationaux,
  3. L’indépendance des Ngo vis-à-vis  de l’état, même si subventionnés et crées  par eux, devrait être assurée.
  4. Une société civile vigilante contribuant  à l’instauration d’une vraie démocratie dans les pays concernés doit être développée.

Mais ce qui fut intéressant furent les conversations tenues en privé avec les participants. On parlait de la fin des régimes policiers et prédateurs, de la fin de la rotation biologique, dynastique et non démocratique, de la nécessité de mettre fin à une économie du « clan » ou le système public était démantelé.   Mais on craignait aussi l’instauration de nouveaux  régimes autoritaire récupéré par l’armée, ou dominé par des tendances extrémistes.

La disparité des revenus dans les pays vivant ce soi disant printemps facilite la montée de l’islam militant qui éduque, fractionne, organise, endoctrine  les populations par le biais de  multiple associations  caritatives. En Tunisie près de 250 associations auraient vu le jour en un an, et on nous dit que plus de 500 sont actives. On y préconise le retour à la sharia, au mariage multiple. On parle de changer le Code du Statut Personnel,  ces lois progressistes tunisienne  promulgées en 1956 qui visait  à instaurer l’égalité  entre  la femme et l’homme et qui abolissait  la polygamie, permettait le divorce via une procedure judiciaire et le mariage sous consentement mutuel. Aujourd’hui le heurt entre ceux se voulant progressistes et ceux se disant islamistes et ayant des mentalités conservatrices a pris de l’ampleur.  Tout en aidant les couches sociales les moins favorisées ces mouvements sont actifs politiquement non seulement en Tunisie mais aussi dans le reste du Maghreb, l’Afrique Musulmane, la Lybie et l’Égypte et tout le proche orient. Le danger réside dans le fait que ces organisations arrivent à prétendre incarner, représenter  l’ensemble  des citoyens.

Quelle que soit ces associations représentant la société civile et la volonté des citoyens, on en vient à se demander quelles sont les liens qui les relient à l’État. Reçoivent elles le support de l’État, émanent t’elles d’elle ou sont t’elles en confrontation avec ce pouvoir public.  Lorsque l’on analyse les relations qui peut exister entre ces organisations et l’état on peut constater les développements suivants. La plupart du temps les  associations civiles à caractère nationale s’allient à des associations à caractère internationales pour  faire pression sur l’État vu comme répressif  pour revendiquer des changements.  L’État, a son tour et bien souvent se défend en reniant, répudiant les dites violations ou  critiques. Les groupes défendant les droits qu’ils revendiquent continuent à rendre public les violations. Finalement les pressions nationales et internationales forcent le gouvernement à faire des changements, des améliorations tactiques pour alléger les pressions. Pour donner fin aux criticismes domestiques et internationales des nouvelles institutions sont formées, les règles ou lois ayant les normes requises sont acceptées. La dynamique de l’expansion de cette stratégie peut aboutir à des changements. Mais ces changements restent la plupart du temps des changements de forme mais pas de fond. Un processus,  un phénomène d’indigénisation de certaines de ces valeurs, de ces reformes  nouvellement acceptées font qu’elles sont interprétées, institutionnalisées différemment avec des détournements qui ne correspond pas à leur sens originel. Entre le dire et le faire, entre les textes rédigés et appliqués il peut y avoir  un gouffre.

D’où dans un monde ou on parle de globalisation économique, de globalisation politique et culturelle que se passera t il véritablement ? Clash des civilisations différentes? Éloignement et isolement ? Ou acceptations des différences culturelles et autres et intégration soulignés par ces différences? Le temps décidera…

Active Participation in Civil Society: International Standards, Obstacles in National Legislation and Proposals Report

By Participatory Democracy and Civil Society Dialogue

Active Participation in Civil Society: International Standards, Obstacles in National Legislation and Proposals Report[1] is published by TUSEV within the scope of Strengthening Civil Society and Civil Society Public Sector Dialogue Project that is funded by European Union and Turkish Republic determines the legal obstacles against the enabling environment for civil society in Turkey and introduces proposals for amendments.
The report is authored by Gökçeçiçek Ayata from Istanbul Bilgi University Human Rights Research Centre and Assistant Professor Ulas Karan from Bilgi University Law School and is composed of three major parts.
The first part evaluates the Turkey’s Constitution’s compatibility with the international standards on freedom of association, while the second part analyzes the interconnectedness of freedom of association with freedoms and rights like right to information, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly etc. Finally; in the last part, you can find the proposals for amendments regarding the Turkey’s legislation on freedom of association.
1] This report is prepared by TUSEV, in partnership with ECNL, through the Civic Space Initiative implemented by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, ARTICLE 19, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, and the World Movement for Democracy. The English translation of this report is financed by the Government of Sweden. The Government of Sweden does not necessarily share the opinions here within expressed. TUSEV bears the sole responsibility for the content of this publication. Report in Turkish and in English can be found at :


The Federation of EU Associations in Turkey had been founded on May 9, 2014

By Participatory Democracy and Civil Society Dialogue

Turkey had applied to join the EU in 1987 and became eligible in 1997. In October 2004  it was declared that accession  negotiations  would be started  and that parallel to accession negotiations the EU would engage in an intensive political and cultural dialogue. To enhance mutual understanding the EU emphasized that this inclusive dialogue would also involve civil society.

To support the strengthening of the role of civil society the Federation of EU Associations was founded in May 2014.

The primary goals of the Federation may be summarized as :

To pursue policy based research focusing on the economic, political, cultural, social, sectorial and regional issues related to Turkey’s candidacy to the EU.

To promote policy dialogue between civil society, NGOs’, Turkey, the EU, and its member states.

The members of the Federation are

-Avrupa Birliği Çalışmaları Merkezi Derneği, Ankara (EU Workcentre Association)

-İstanbul Avrupa Birliği Öncüleri Derneği ( Istanbul EU Pioneers’ Association)

-Konya Avrupa Birliği Çalışmaları Merkezi Derneği (EU Workcentre Association of Konya)

-İstanbul Beyoğlu Avrupa Birliği Derneği ( The Istanbul Beyoğlu EU Association)

-Çukurova Avrupa Birliği Çalışmaları Merkezi Derneği’dir. (The EU Workcentre Association of Çukurova)


By Participatory Democracy and Civil Society Dialogue

Civil Society and Beyond: A Joint Dialogue on the European Path | Belgrade, Serbia | February 25-26, 2016

The two day International Conference “Civil Society and Beyond: A Joint Dialogue on the European Path” was organized on February 25-26, 2016 by the European Movement International and European Movement in Serbia, with the support of TACSO P2P and in partnership with the Serbian European Integration Office.

The purpose of the conference was to create an opportunity for stakeholders from different countries from the Western Balkans and Turkey  to exchange perspectives and experiences with regard to the role of civil society in the European integration, as well as to work on the mechanisms for strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation among CSOs in the WBT region and the EU.

The event gathered 155 participants from civil society from the EU, the Western Balkan and Turkey region and Serbia, as well as from European institutions and national authorities from the region, and attracted significant media attention.

See Report at :

A Summary of What I discussed at the Turkey-EU Civil Society Meeting held in London

By Participatory Democracy and Civil Society Dialogue

As the representative of the Turkey EU Association, member of the European since 1980, I would have expected that the issues discussed to-day in London on how to secure a more prosperous, more secure, more powerful and more democratic future for the EU would have already been solved. But alas such is not the case,

EU-skepticism, electoral authoritarianism is on the rise. Populist policies abound, extremism, bigotry are seen in almost all members and applicants. Demographic trends seem to lead to an increase in the fear of others as migrants seeking work or refuge wish and try to enter these countries. Far right racist movements and acts lead to counter steps taken by minority groups and terrorist groups. As the momentum of these trends increase neither individual governments nor EU institutions are able to come up with policies which might help solve these problems. All this is happening in times when the world economy has slowed down.

When such political and economic problems are on the rise in the developed world their repercussions on the developing world are much greater. Call it a snowball effect or a domino effect, these crisis ends up affecting us all. When the EU sneezes, countries nearby do get the flue. When the sneeze starts an avalanche, this snow ball effect can reach unexpected proportions especially if the countries affected have domestic problems of their own which clueless governments are unable to solve.

Can such vicious circles be turned into a virtuous one is the question we need to answer? And if yes, how? Forecasts for the next ten, twenty years made by futurologists speak of a world where the EU, the UN, the Bretton Woods system as we know it will no longer exist. They speak of the necessity of building a new more equitable world order. I shall try not to come up with such gloomy suggestions though I feel we are more and more in a stage where we could be speaking of a “disunited” state of Europe than a united one. I shall try to come up with short run suggestions which might benefit the EU and Turkey.

1. We need to continue to address mutually the refugee influx problem.

2. There should be no formal cancellation of talks on accession negotiations, no deal of conditionality which would enable applicants to evade obligations stipulated in the acquis.

3. The duplicity which exists in Turkey’s relations with the EU should end. Chapters 23 and 24 on fundamental rights, justice and freedoms should have been opened and closed a decade ago. The chapters opened and yet not closed dealt mainly with some technical, social and mostly economic issues. If chapters dealing with the main pillars of a democracy had been opened earlier, Turkey would have benefited from them much earlier.

4. The EU-Turkey customs union agreement should be revised and extended to services, agriculture, procurement and conflict resolution issues so as to enhance the economic competitiveness of parties involved.

5. Finally all channels of communication should remain open between Turkey and the EU. A positive engagement is absolutely necessary if Turkey’s interest in the EU and EU’s interest in Turkey does not completely wither away.

Is Democracy in Crisis – Launch of ALL (Vanessa Cotterell)

By Participatory Democracy and Civil Society Dialogue

Launch of new Alliance for Democracy

On 7 June 2017 the European Movement International launched the ALL campaign, a pro-European alliance to support European cooperation and democracy. Read the press release about the launch here.

The ALL campaign works in partnership with civil society organisations, NGOs, trade unions, companies, local governments and individuals and engages citizens across Europe in a pro-European democratic dialogue in the run-up to the elections to the European Parliament in 2019.

‘Is Democracy in Crisis’

The launch took place as part of the conference ‘Is Democracy in Crisis’, that brought together high-level speakers from the European institutions, NGOs, the business sector and trade unions as well as academics and journalists from within as well as outside the ‘Brussels Bubble’. Not only did the panelists discuss current challenges to democracy, they also put forward ideas on how to support European core values and ensure the role of the independent media. The conference also opened the floor to creative minds from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Finland and Spain to present successful initiatives encouraging citizen participation and bringing forward progressive forms of direct democracy.

Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition, opened the conference with a keynote speech on ‘A healthy democracy in a social media age’. She stressed the importance of fighting for democratic values in Europe and the inherent challenges in the age of social media and other forms of communication and information platforms.

View image on Twitter

The first discussion of the launch event featured Márta Pardavi, Co-Chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, a human rights organisation, Ryan Heath, Senior EU Correspondent for POLITICO, Åsa Larsson from the Swedish fact-checking page Viralgranskaren, and Nicolas Vanderbiest, social media expert from the University of Louvain. In a Q&A session with the audience, the panelists discussed current challenges to democracy in Europe, the importance of independent media, the need for fact-checking of information sources and other means to promote critical thinking vis-à-vis information distortion and propaganda.

The conference continued with the presentation of five initiatives from different 5 European countries, each of which promote a certain form of direct citizen participation on a local or national level. Whether the initiative is about motivating young Dutch citizens to vote in national elections, or turning crowd-sourced citizens’ proposals into Finnish legislation, they all share a vision for participatory democracy.

The final panel featured partner organisations involved in ALL. Leading representatives from the European Trade Union Confederation, the European Youth Forum, the European Environmental BureauTransparency InternationalBusinessEurope, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions and the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services spoke about the reasons why they joined this new initiative and the importance of democracy and European co-operation.

There was a shared feeling about the need to support democracy in Europe in times of uncertainty, to defend the main values of the EU and to promote a European and inter-organisational dialogue. The focus should also lie on fostering debates and using new ways to address the challenges the EU is facing, while hearing out local voices and taking their ideas to a European level.

We would like to thank all partners, speakers and participants for contributing to an insightful debate around the future of democracy in Europe and look forward to welcoming you to the next event of ALL.

Justice Freedom and Security Issues Discussed on Europe Day (in Turkish)

By Participatory Democracy and Civil Society Dialogue

Genel Sonuç : Avrupa Günü’nün World Café bölümünde Öğrencilerin Vurguladıkları Öneriler.

STK’ların Türkiye AB arasındaki ilişkisinde rolünü tartışırken öğrencilerden gelen çözümler:

  • Bütün STK’lar baskı grubu oluşturmalılar.
  • STK’ların bağımsızlığı için bir güvence (yargı&yasa) sağlanmalı.
  • STK’ların topluma daha fazla hizmet vermesi için devletten destek alması (FON)
  • Okularda STK bilincinin oluşturulması için STK rapor ve aktivistlerinin ( adalet-güvenlik- özgürlük alanında) tanıtılması ve genç bireylerde STK gücünün oluşması. Bireylerin, STK’ların devlet üzerinde yapabileceği baskı kuvvetine inanmalarıyla sivil toplum daha gelişecektir.
  • STK’ların özellikle barış süreci ile ilgili daha iyi medyatize edilmesi ve toplumdaki görünüş ve algının geliştirilmesi.
  • STK’ların lobi oluşturması (toplumsal farkındalığı arttırma) STK’ların üniversite ve lise bazında biçimlendirmek için.
  • Sosyal medya çalışmalarının yapılması
  • Bilgiye erişebilirliği arttırmak.
  • Uluslararası STK’lar ile işbirliği sağlayıp destek almak.
  • Uluslararası STK’lardan mentörlük alınabilir.
  • Uluslararası STK’ların Türkiye’de bir ayağı olmasını sağlamak
  • STK’lar ülkede seçim ve referandumları denetlemeli ve şeffaflığı sağlamalıdır.
  • STK’lar (ulusal ve uluslararsı) medya ve basın, ifade özgürlüğü konularında raporlar hazırlaöalı, Türkiye’de bu raporlar ışığında gerekenleri yapmalı.
  • Halk ile STK’lar arasındaki örgütlenle güçlendirilmeli
  • STK’lar ideolojik değil, kapsayıcı hareket ederek bağlantı kurmalı
  • 23 . ve 24. fasıllar kesinlikle açılmalı ve halk bu konuda bilgilendirilmeli.