
European Movement International Federal Assembly Meeting

By 11/24/2017April 25th, 2020No Comments

EMI Federal Assembly

Brussels, 24-25 November 2017


Friday 24 November 2017

Venue: CEMR,Square de Meeûs1, 1000 Brussels

8:30-10:30Board meeting (for Membersof the Boardonly)

10:30-12:00Meetings of the Political Committees

– More Democracy, Citizens’ Rights and Freedom

– Jobs, Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth

– Europe in the World

Venue: Bip –Brussels Info Place, Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Brussels


Federal Assembly Plenary -Session 1 (13:00-18:00)

1. Welcome speech by EM International President Jo Leinen

2. Adoption of the Agenda(Annex 1)

3. Adoption of the Minutes of the previous meeting(Annex 2)

4. Elections

a. President

b. Treasurer

c. Vice-Presidents

5. Ratification of affiliations agreed by the Board since the previous meeting

a. European Association for National Trade Organisations representing the European Manufacturers of Weighing Instruments–CECIP

b. European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest–CEEP

c. European Association for the Education of Adults –EAEA

d. European Environmental Bureau –EEB

e. European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training –EVBB

f. European Women Lawyers Association –EWLA

g. European Youth Forum –EYF

h. European Authors‘ Societies –GESAC

6. Report of the work of the Political Committees and Adoption of the 2016Annual Activity Report (Annex 3)

7. Adoption of the 2016 Profit and Loss accounts and Balance Sheet (Annex 4 and 5)

8. Discharge of the Board members for their administrative and financial management

9. Announcement of the results of the elections–President,Treasurer and Vice-Presidents

10. Elections of  Board members

11. Networking reception

Saturday 25 November 2017

Federal Assembly Plenary -Session 2 (9:00-12:00)

Venue: Bip –Brussels Info Place, Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Brussels

1. Announcement of the overall results of the elections

2. Discussion and Adoption of the Priority Policy Areas and establishment of the Political Committees for 2018-2020(Annex 6)

3. Discussion and Adoption of Policy Positions

– Policy Position on the European Neighbourhood Policy (Annex 7)

4. Discussion and Adoption of the 2018 Work Plan (Annex 8)

5. Discussion and Adoptionof the Membership Fees for 2018 (Annex 9)

6. Discussion and Adoption of the Budget for 2018 (Annex 10)

7. AOB

8. Date and venue of the next meeting: 28-29 November 2018, Vienna, Austria

9. Closing