
Gerçekleştirilen Korkunç Katliama gelen Tepkiler Teröre karşı Dayanışma Örneği

By 11/12/2016Nisan 25th, 2020No Comments

İnsan Hakları Gününün kutlandığı 10 Aralık’ta İstanbul’da gerçekleştirilen bombalı saldırıyabazı ülke ve kuruluşlarının gösterdiği tepki güzel bir dayanışma örneği oluşturuyor. Aynı gün Mısır’da bir kilisenin bombalanması artık terörün her yerde her zaman sınır tanımaksızın yıkımlara yer açtığının örneği.


  •  Azerbaijan – President Ilham Aliyev decried the attack and urged for “a resolute fight against any kind of terrorism”.
  •  Bosnia and Herzegovina – Chairman of the Presidency, Mladen Ivanić says “Terrorism and extremism are threats to global security without borders, so it is essential to fight jointly against this threat,” in a letter to President Erdogan.
  •  Canada – On his Twitter account, Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion strongly condemned the attack by saying “Our thoughts are with victims and families and the people of Turkey.”
  •  Czech Republic – During a visit to Turkey on 13 December, Czech FM Lubomír Zaorálek condemned the attack and the PKK, and received gratitude from Turkish counterpart Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu for his statements, recognition of PKK as a terrorist organization, closing of YPG office in Prague, and statement of EP Czech member Tomáš Zdechovský which calls for “no tolerance for IS and PKK” and a “propaganda-ban” on PKK.[30]
  •  Egypt – Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeyd expressed solidarity with Turkish people by saying “Egypt strongly condemns the attacks in Istanbul and reiterates its stance against terrorism that threatens international peace and security.”
  •  France – French President François Hollande denounced the blasts, showing his support to Turkey.
  •  Germany – Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier condemned the attack and said Germany was mourning with Turkey. German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her condolences to President Erdogan during a phone call.
  •  Hungary – Hungarian Foreign Ministry spokesman Tamas Menczer said the attack was committed against the European Union as well, saying, “The security of Europe starts with Turkey’s stability.”
  •  India – The Foreign Ministry also condemned the terror attack by saying “Terrorism is wholly unacceptable, whatever the type and declaration. The shameful attack in Istanbul underscores the need for the world community to find a common solution to the scourge of terrorism.” in a statement.
  •  Kazakhstan – President Nursultan Nazarbayev condemned the attack.
  •  Georgia – Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili expressed condolences to the families of the victims and added they were ready to show support in Turkey’s fight against the terrorism.
  •  Greece – The Greek Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Greece “stands with all its friends and neighbours during their difficult time.” Prime Minister Alexis Tsiprasexpressed his condolences over the terror attack in Istanbul to Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim during a phone call.
  •  Lithuania – President Dalia Grybauskaite expressed her condolences in a message she sent to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
  •  Malaysia – Malaysian government also strongly condemned the attack, calling it “inhumane” in a statement issued by the country’s Foreign Ministry.
  •  Northern Cyprus – Northern Cyprus joined Turkey in declaring a day of national mourning.[31]
  •  Pakistan – President Mamnoon Hussain also condemned the blasts saying the terrorist attacks cannot shake the resolve of Turkish people and the government in their war against terrorism. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also expressed deep sorrow strongly condemning the attack.
  •  Portugal – President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa conveyed a condolence message to President Erdogan.
  •  Romania – Romanian Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc “strongly condemned” the terror attack in Istanbul, saying, “had no excuse and could not reach its aims.”
  •  Russia – President Vladimir Putin also expressed condolences for those who lost their lives, condemning “this cowardly, cynical crime”.
  •  Saudi Arabia – Saudi Arabia also condemned the attack by describing it as “unacceptable”.
  •  Singapore – The Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the attack and expressed condolences.
  •  Spain – Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy condemned the attack and said on his Twitter account that “Solidarity against barbarism and terror. We would like to send our sincere solidarity and support messages to Turkish authorities in these difficult times.”
  •  Sweden – Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom condemned the attack in her Twitter account and expressed her condolences for the victims.
  •  Ukraine – President Petro Poroshenko strongly condemned the terror attack in Istanbul, saying, “there cannot be a justification for it” on his Twitter account.
  •  United Kingdom – Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said the “U.K. was committed to working with Turkey to tackle terrorism,” adding that his thoughts were with all those affected.
  •  United States – “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families and loved ones, and to all the people of Turkey. We stand together with Turkey, our NATO Ally, against all terrorists who threaten Turkey, the United States, and global peace and stability.” US National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. In a separate statement, U.S. Defense chief Ash Carter said that Saturday’s attacks “only redoubles our resolve to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Turkish allies in condemning these attacks and relentlessly combatting terrorism.”

Kaynak: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/December_2016_Istanbul_bombings


  • UEFA – On Twitter, the European football governing body says “UEFA would like to express its deepest condolences to the families of all the victims of tonight’s bombing in Istanbul,” it said. strongly” condemned “the horrible act” and sent its support to the Turkish Football Federation, Besiktas and Bursaspor football clubs.
  •  European Union – “My thoughts & solidarity with Turkish citizens, with families of victims of Istanbul attacks. I wish speedy and full recovery to the injured,” the President of the European ParliamentMartin Schulz posted on social media. In a separate statement, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini posted on her Twitter account saying “All our solidarity to all citizens of Turkey.”
  •  NATO – Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg condemned the attack, calling it “horrific acts of terror.” He stressed that NATO stood united in solidarity with its ally Turkey. “We remain determined to fight terrorism in all its forms,” he added.
  •  Organisation of Islamic Cooperation – OIC Secretary General, Yusuf Ahmed Al-Othaimeen offered “his sincere condolences to the families of the victims, the government and the people of Turkey” and wished early recovery to the injured people.
  •  United Nations – Secretary General Ban Ki-moon expressed his deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims by hoping that the perpetrators of this terrorist act will be swiftly identified and brought to justice.