AB-Türkiye Yüksek Düzeyli Ekonomik Diyaloğu’nun ikinci toplantısı 8 Aralık 2017 tarihinde Brüksel’de Başbakan Yardımcısı Sayın Mehmet Şimşek ve Avrupa Komisyonu’nu temsilen ise, İş, Büyüme, Yatırım ve Rekabet’ten sorumlu Komisyon Başkan Yardımcısı Jyrki Katainen  ve ilgili heyetler arasında gerçekleşecektir.

TÜrkiye Avrupa Birliği Derneği, diğer adıyla Avrupa Hareketi- Türkiye bu toplantıda görüşülecek konular sırasında aşağıdaki hususların vurgulandırılmasının önemli olacağı düşüncesindedir. :

There are three issues which needs to be emphasized. The visa issue, the customs union agreement and all educational programs led by Erasmus.

Regarding the visa issue: First of all the business circles in Turkey do feel that the visa regime is being employed by EU member countries to impede economic competition.  Secondly Turks in general feel slightened when neighbouring countries such as Georgia and Ukraine get visa free travel when Turks are deprived of it. Thirdly the visa regime makes it difficult for those who are most favourably disposed towards Turkey’s improved relations with the EU to reach their associates and public.

As to the custom union agreement  a solution has to be found to the question of third parties so that the third parties do not have favoured access to the Turkish market without reciprocal concessions. A less noticed problem that derives from the current situation is discouragement of EU investments in Turkey when Turkey’s favoured access to third party market is not ensured.

Finally the Erasmus program should be expanded since this would also be an indispensable part of a more comprehensive environment for the expansion of business…